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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Brief Introduction

    Hello, lovely people! I've owned this page for several years and have never posted anything. I think it's time. I have so much to say and I would love to hear from all of you, as well!

    A brief introduction doesn't really exist, because I usually get word-vomit, but I'll try. I am a Texan, potty mouth mother of two in a non-married relationship with their dad. I am handy with a hammer, a drill, a sewing machine, a wrench, and a bunch of other tools. I can hold my own in basic plumbing and welding. I can build things and even know how to measure. (I still say, "6 feet, 4 inches, and 3 little palitos (lines).) I have two sisters that I grew up with, and a half sister by my dad that is the same age as my oldest. My sisters and I grew up installing flooring and being around animals. We always had pets and I feel terrible that my kids don't have that same gift. Now that I live in an apartment in the city, I haven't had pets because I don't like the idea of keeping an animal restricted to staying inside 100% of the time, of course, except for the times when they go potty or on the occasional trip out and about. (No judgement on those of you that do...just not my cup.)

    I struggle with depression and anxiety, just like a lot of world. I am going through therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and on medication to help me learn to manage it. My goal is to get off medication and be able to use the techniques I learn in therapy to navigate life naturally. I struggle so much because I take so many things personally, when I really don't need to. 

    I have some university and college experience, and a whopping Certificate of Completion in Massage Therapy. I had my national license right out of the program, but I never got my state license to be able to actually practice. I majored in Mariachi Music and Pedagogy (didn't finish) and then switched to pre-nursing after a couple of years. I played the violin, and, honestly I don't think I was all that good. I never really learned to sight read music and that made it harder for me to just jump into any music pieces.

    My intention with this page is to share parts of my life that I think might help people in some way. I would like to share as much of my knowledge and adventures as possible. Now, I must go plan my daughter's birthday party that probably won't happen because of "The 'Rona". 

YAY 2020!

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